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Finding the Solution

Simple Strategies First

It is easiest to start with the simpler strategies that do not require marking the small numbers in the cells:

Intermediate Strategies

If the simpler strategies do not solve the puzzle, then you need to mark which digits are impossible in each unsolved cell.

Distinguishing between Possible (green) and Unknown (gray) is optional. Computer solving strategies treat them both as Possible. The only difference is that Possible numbers are tested for conflicts automatically or by the Menu/View/Test and Show Errors command. This can be very useful for checking your work as you go. See the Error Checking section.

Two intermediate strategies can be used manually without marking the small numbers in the cells, but are much easier if the small numbers are marked. Hints and Auto-Solve for these strategies require impossible digits to be marked in all cells:

Advanced Strategies

You need to mark which digits are impossible in each unsolved cell before using advanced strategies. These strategies do not directly solve a cell, but can mark more digits impossible which can lead to more solutions by easier strategies. The advanced strategies are:

Normal Solving Process

A practical approach for starting a new puzzle is to go as far as you can using only strategies that dont need the small numbers marked, then when you get stuck start marking the small numbers until you find a pattern that will get you going again.

Normally you want to start with the easiest strategies first, moving to harder strategies as necessary. Once a harder strategy has solved a few cells or marked more digits impossible, then return to the easiest strategies and work your way up again.

Taking the time to mark all of the impossible digits in all unsolved cells is a bit of an investment, but once it is done all of the intermediate strategies become easy and the advanced strategies are not that hard. Even if you return to the simpler strategies, keep marking impossible digits resulting from each new solved cell so that the more advanced strategies are still available.

If you find marking impossible digits tedious, or simply want to make sure they are all up-to-date, then use Menu/Solve/Mark Conflicts As Impossible.

Alternative Solving Approach

Another approach is to use Menu/Solve/Mark Conflicts as Impossible right at the beginning. Then you can use the more advanced strategies first. This makes it seem like a different puzzle from the normal start.

Next: Error Checking