Zudoku Logo  Menu Descriptions


Display Difficulty Statistics

Displays difficulty level and statistics on which strategies are required to solve the current puzzle. Built-in puzzles have this data already, and user-entered puzzles can get this data using Menu/Tools/Measure Difficulty. Making any changes to Start Data will erase this data.

Display Computer Assistance

Displays statistics on which computer strategies from the Hint or Solve menus have been used on the current puzzle.

Test and Show Errors

Tests for conflicts such as the same number occurring twice in the same group, or a number marked possible in a cell when an intersecting group has that number in one of its cells. Note that most errors are marked as they occur, but sometimes a number marked possible might not have been updated when another cell is solved in an intersecting group. Use this option to make sure all error indications are up-to-date.

Fit to Window Size

The Zudoku window can be resized by the user using standard Windows techniques. After resizing the window, use this menu command to resize the puzzle grid to be as large as possible in the new window size. The puzzle cannot be reduced below a minimum legible size.

Next: Hint and Solve