Zudoku Logo  How to Install Zudoku


Zudoku can be installed on any computer running either Windows XP or Windows Vista.

The computer must have access to the internet during the installation process.

Start the Installation

Use your internet browser to open www.zippity9.com/zudoku/webinstall.htm

Click on "Download Zudoku Setup" to begin the download. You can either run the setup program immediately, or save it on your computer to run later. If you are running it later, use Windows Explorer to find the file "zudokusetup.exe" on your computer, then double-click on it to start it.

The prompts you see when setup starts will depend on which operating system you have and the security level you have set up. Basically, just answer every prompt with one of these encouraging choices: "Run", "Next", "Yes", "OK", "Allow", "Trust", or "Continue".

The setup program needs to use the internet to download the latest ".Net Framework 3.5" from the Microsoft web site as part of the installation process, so make sure your computer has access to the internet while installing. Zudoku does not need access to the internet after installation is complete.

When the installation has completed you can start it either from an icon on the desktop or from Windows - Start - Programs - Zudoku.

Uninstalling Zudoku

Zudoku can be easily removed from your computer using the Windows Uninstall feature:

  1. Go to the Control Panel
  2. For XP, select "Add/Remove Programs"; for Vista, select "Programs and Features"
  3. Double-click Zudoku in the list
  4. Answer any prompts as needed
  5. Zudoku is removed from your computer. It can be reinstalled later if you wish.

Note that any Zudoku puzzles that you saved are not removed by the uninstall process. They can be deleted manually if you wish.