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Strategies Overview

Simple puzzles can be solved by looking for cells where only one number is allowed, or looking for numbers where only one cell in a group is allowed. Examples of these strategies are:

More complex puzzles require noting in empty cells which numbers are possible and which are impossible, then detecting patterns that lead to another cell solved. Although these strategies can be employed "in your head", they are much easier when impossibles are marked. Examples of these strategies are:

The following strategies do not directly solve a cell, but mark numbers impossible in cells, hopefully leading to a solution by one of the simpler strategies

Some puzzles cannot be solved with the above strategies. At this point the user must save the puzzle, then make a guess. This is referred to as the Pick a trial number strategy. If the guess leads to a conflict, then the user must reload the saved puzzle and make a different guess. Usually one correct guess is sufficient to solve the puzzle, but occasionally the Pick a trial number strategy must be employed several times.

Note that a given cell could often be solved by any of several strategies.

Next: Using the Zudoku Program